School Communications


Accessing  Sales Reports on LCHS 7/8 PTA Website


1. Login to LCHS ⅞ PTA Website

2. Click “DASHBOARD” in upper right

3. On left navigation, click next to “SALES & FORMS” to expand menu

4. Scroll down to “REPORTS” and left click

5. Choose the type of report you want to see.

  • Top reports are Ordered Items & Fulfillment Worksheet
  • Ordered Items allows you to filter by category (spirit wear, donations, home tour, etc.) and will show you a summary of each SKU sold within that category. This high level will show how many were sold of each SKU. If you click on the highlighted number sold, it will take you to sales detail for that SKU. 
  • Fulfillment Worksheet allows you to filter by category, forms, or SKU and allows you to choose whether you want to show items to be delivered, have been delivered, or all deliverable items. This type of form is helpful for items that have to be delivered such as directories, spirit wear, and home tour tickets.

6. Within any report, you can filter to find the information you are looking for.

7. Click “DOWNLOAD TO EXCEL” if you’d like a digital copy downloaded.


Pictorial Instructions for Accessing SALES Reports

Pictorial Instructions for Accessing VOLUNTEER Reports

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Check-In Policy for Visitors on Campus:

All visitors coming onto the LCHS campus need to sign in at the front office and get a visitor badge before entering the school. Any visitors on campus without a badge may be asked to leave.